
About me

Hi! I’m Lynne. I’m a solo woman traveler who lives full time in an RV. 6 years ago, I lived a life that many people aspire to. I had a big house, filled with all the necessary stuff. I worked full time to pay a mortgage and the other expenses associated with owning a home.

Nearly all of my free time was spent on repairing and/or maintaining a house that I usually only used a small fraction of. We’re only blessed with a short time on this planet and most of mine was being used to pay for and keep the house.

I wanted to do other things. I wanted to be free to travel, explore and visit distant family members, without worrying about the house. There had to be a better way to live.

So I bought an RV. Then I sold everything, moved into the RV and hit the road. Now I have time to pursue my passions: Writing, art, and camping with my dogs.

I’ve now logged 80,000 km in my RV. I’ve traveled to and camped throughout the US and Canada. I search for dog friendly places and uncrowded campgrounds. I write for RV magazines, and review the latest camping gear and RV equipment. This is my story.


Photo of the author, Lynne Fedorick